Friday, February 15, 2013

What is this?

     Welcome to a blog about everything and nothing at the same exact time. Talk about a fucking mind blowing experience, right? Now, I don't know the first thing about blogging, in fact I think the whole "blogging" thing is pretty stupid, however, my lack of real personal relationships is so overwhelmingly sparse that I really have no other outlet to vent, or tell my stories. I am in no way important or interesting. I don't have a mind full of good ideas, and I am probably the farthest thing from a valued member of society. So, you might ask yourself, "why the fuck am I reading this guy's blog?" Well, sir/ma'am, that is something only you can answer. I can't even tell you why I am writing this fucking thing. I just wanted to create a blog in which people can listen to me go on pointless, rude, and socially unacceptable rants and raves about everything I come in contact with. It will also follow my life, and the real life situations I find myself in. See, life has pretty much grabbed me by the sack and done some pretty intense pulling and twisting over the past couple of years. I now find myself in a state of complete disregard to other people's feelings, emotions, or opinions. So where does that leave me? It leaves me trying to stay afloat in a constant cess pool that I call my mind. This should be a pretty interesting blog. Obviously this isn't going to be for the faint of heart, or kids....yup...definitely not for kids, unless of course you hate kids and you think scarring them for the rest of eternity sounds like a good idea, then yea...let those little fellas read this shit. If you want to follow me as I go on this journey of drinking, girls, bad decisions, uncomfortable situations, and some seriously poor judgment calls, then keep on reading. It should be pretty interesting for the both of us. I hope you hate my life as much as I do most of the time.
     PUBLIC WARNING: this blog will make you feel like less of a person for reading. Everything in here is true, and maybe if the other people are lucky I will change their names. All events presented are real life experiences, and are a first hand account of those situations as viewed Read at your own risk. I do not encourage anyone to do anything or repeat anything said in this blog, unless you don't care about getting slapped, having drinks thrown in your face, sitting next to teddy bears in the back of a patrol car, or just generally feeling like a degenerate low life. All things/stunts/experiences are performed by a complete un-professional with no formal training in "Fucking up", it just kinda happens.
      Well that about sums it up folks, hope you get a good laugh at my expense. We will see where this journey takes us. Good me and you, its gonna be a rough one.

Your personal "Fuck Up",
Jessie "KWAZ" Kwasney

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